Monday, May 21, 2012

1975-1977 or thereabout

So, I figured out how to scan pictures and save them.   I was given my first camera EVER when I was a freshman in college.  No such thing as digital - I was skimpy on the picture taking, didn't want to have to pay for developing a picture if it didn't turn out. 

 These are friends from my sorority.  The bottom pic is of me and Joyce - she was my pledge mom.  She went on to get a PhD in textile science and works for DuPont in Delaware.

 Top pic is my parents Rod and Marj at the house in Ralston (where I went to high school).  The boy is my brother Court.  Check out those tube socks. 

 Top pic from left to right - My dad,  Don,  Dale, Jeff, Sandy, Court, and Marylyn.  I was taking the picture.
Bottom - Jeff, me, Court, my Dad.  My dad had this boat for a few years and loved to take it out with my brothers.  Dale and Marylyn had a bigger boat that they would take out and we would water ski.  Don and my first date was water skiing with his parents.

 Check out that head of hair - and *gasp* those short swim trunks.  Oh baby!!

 Don with Pa and Irma when we went to Tucson to see them one winter break.  Bottom pic is Gpa and Gma Rowe (Dale's parents) at (I think) Marcia's wedding.

 The top pic would be my Gma Dann in Montana and Court.  We spent a week one summer (1977) painting her house on the ranch. 
 Dale and Marylyn at Marcia's wedding.

 Don and I were engaged by this picture. He loved his white tee shirts and I liked his haircuts.

 Pics out of order but hey - I'm just figuring out how to get them here.  I'm afraid if I try to rearrange them, they'll disappear and I'll never find them again.  These are more friends at ChiO.

 These are my grandparents Philip and Emma Monroe and the farmhouse they lived in for 50+ years.  Gma Emma was a kind, patient, and HARDWORKING woman. 

We lived in a 10' by 42' trailer when we were married.  This was our first Christmas.  The tree is actually the top of a tree that some friends had - they went home for Christmas and left us part of their tree.  We could not have fit anything bigger into the living room!!

 I graduated a year after we were married.  This is another view of our humble abode.

 Christmas time - Gpa and Gma Monroe, my parents and me.

My Dad at a ChiO function.  He was a good dancer and liked to kick up a rug.