Sunday, March 11, 2012

Let's get started

This begins my blog  - or as I would call it, my online journal and picture album.  It's sure not intended to entertain or inform anyone but me.  I'm going to try and get all pictures on this eventually with captions, before I forget who is in the pictures or the paper copies fade to nothing.
So, I unloaded my camera from the last 6 months and will start with that.  I might eventually figure out how to make the home page cool.  Or maybe not.  You will notice that the dates on the pictures are incorrect.  I didn't have the date in the camera set right - it is set correctly now, but I just set it to NOT put the date on the pics.  Seems easier to me.
Last October 30 (2011), we had a birthday dinner.  We have these periodically to celebrate birthdays and it's pretty much just a great excuse to get everyone together for food and dessert.  This time we were celebrating the Nov Dec birthdays early, because Stef was due to have a baby soon and there was so much going on with everyone plus Thanksgiving in Nov, that we had it early.  For Don, Brandon, Stef, Dave, Dominick and Rugger.  So, to begin the evening we all went to Dave and Stef's church for their Trunk or Treat.

 Rugger and Reise (aka Fancy Nancy)
 Rowen and Fancy Nancy
 You know who.
 And Rowen.

You can see Dekker here.
 Ryleigh as Princess Leia (sp).  It was freezing cold that day.

I got a little camera of my own last year before a trip.  I got one with regular batteries and, of course, the batteries went dead in the middle of the Trunk or Treat.  Tiff and Brandon brought their boys but - too late for pics by me.  My bad.

So then we had supper.

 My firstborn, Becky.
 Daughter -in -law Stef.
 Again - great smile there.
 Second born Tiff.
 Tiff and Brandon's youngest - Dominick.

Obviously, I have issues with getting enough pictures of everyone.  Hopefully, it will even out some as events are posted.

That's all for today.  Becky tells me that if I do this once a week - I should be able to get my life on blog in due time.  She's optimistic -but I will keep at it.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea Mom! Maybe someday I will get organized enough to do a picture blog.
