Sunday, April 15, 2012

Maeson and Rowen - 4th birthday party - 2012

 Maeson and Rowen's 4th birthday party for the family was held at Mahoney State park where they have an indoor playground.  They had pizza and pop - the kids had slushies.

 Trenton loves it!


 Rugger has a few spaces in the mouth now.

 The kids run until their faces are scarlet and they're drenched.

 Proud mama.

 Proud father.

 Ryleigh!!!  And Gpa Don.

Gma with Dominick.

 Maeson just hates the camera!! HA!  Birthday boy.

Adjust the hairdo.

 Brandon gets a workout at these events.

 Andrew and Chase.

 Serious - man to man.

 Both birthday boys.

 Yes, I'm four now - NBD.  Rowen, you kill me.

 Love a slurpie.

 Cousins - Reisey and Andrew.

So grown up.

Scary eyes!

 Yup, he just hates the camera.

 Chase leads the pack out of the tube.

 Dang - that's high!!  Birthday boys and Reise.

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